7 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Pallavi Banerjee
4 min readApr 17, 2022
Source: Pinterest

As the entrepreneurial ecosystem is exploding globally, millions of people all over the world are now abandoning their 9 to 5 jobs and embarking on their entrepreneurial journey. Statistics say that there are over 400 million entrepreneurs in the world at present and 71% of the employees in the United States desire to become entrepreneurs.

From Bill Gates to Jeff Bezos, they have all chosen the road not taken with the desire to start their own business and have had incredible success. Drawing inspiration from them, a large number of people are embracing the entrepreneurial journey. Today, the changing business landscape in the United States has more than 11 million women entrepreneurs.

There is a host of reasons why people are bidding adieu to the traditional jobs and taking a leap into entrepreneurship. While some want to be their own boss, others want to enjoy a flexible lifestyle. Unequivocally, owning your own business has its perks. However, the path to success is not easy.

Bill Gates once said, “To win big, you sometimes have to take risks.” This suggests that building your own business is all about facing and overcoming challenges. When you take the first step into the world of entrepreneurship, the road will initially be bumpy and challenging. But, you ought to take risks if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. The fear of facing challenges should not deter you from becoming an entrepreneur.

Have you been in a dilemma all this while whether to be an entrepreneur or not to be?

Let’s dig into some of the reasons why you should take a plunge into the world of entrepreneurship.

1. Be your own boss

If you have been tired of being dominated by your boss, then you can think of becoming an entrepreneur. This will give you the power to control things the way you want to.

When you have none to micromanage you and put you under stress, you tend to produce higher-quality work. Besides, you can stay away from all the blame game and don’t have to worry about getting fired.

Isn’t that amazing?

2. Freedom is all yours

If you want to be a free bird and enjoy freedom while working, then start your entrepreneurial journey. Entrepreneurs have the freedom to decide when they want to work. This, in turn, optimizes work efficiency.

Also, a flexible work schedule gives entrepreneurs ample time to spend with their families and an opportunity to live a blissful and stress-free life.

But, as there is no shortcut to success, you have to work hard and use your time wisely if you become an entrepreneur.

3. Broaden your horizon

If you have the pursuit to learn new things, then entrepreneurship is a very good option for you.

When you become an entrepreneur, you get to learn a lot. Unless you have the wealth of knowledge and expertise, you won’t be able to run your own business. So, entrepreneurs need to broaden their horizons. Entrepreneurs derive pleasure from exploring new things. That is why they never feel bored at any moment in their entrepreneurial journey.

If you have the zeal to learn new things, you can quench your thirst for knowledge by becoming an entrepreneur.

4. Choose the right people to work with

Entrepreneurship gives the freedom to collaborate with the right people. You don’t have to be under pressure and work with people you don’t want to. If you feel that your client is difficult to work with, you can simply say ‘no’.

5. Control your destiny

Entrepreneurs don’t settle for a roadblock; they determine the success of their business with their decision-making. So, if you want to be the controller of the wheel of fortune, become an entrepreneur.

6. Breathe life into your ideas

Have an idea that can change the world?

Think about all the successful entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs who have made such a huge impact on the world with their ideas.

Don’t let your ideas die.

Your boss might think that your idea is crazy, but that idea might bring a change in the world. So, if you want to breathe life into your ideas and do something innovative, get ready to embark on your entrepreneurial journey.

7. Earn more money

Did you know that the salary of entrepreneurs is more than 36% of similar careers in the United States? Entrepreneurship will give you the flexibility to earn more money. As an entrepreneur, you can take on as many projects as you want to if you want to increase your earnings.

These reasons largely explain why so many people are pulling themselves away from the 9 to 5 jobs and starting their entrepreneurial journey.

So, what are you waiting for?

If you have the entrepreneurial spirit within you, then it’s time for you to fuel it. Face challenges, take risks, and row your boat in your entrepreneurial journey to experience boundless freedom and boost your earnings!

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain



Pallavi Banerjee

Pallavi Banerjee is a Freelance Content Developer and Educator from India with 4+ years of experience in the E-learning industry.